Guided Pathways Initiative

As a legacy of the community colleges’ emphasis on access, flexibility, and choice, the classes offered by many community colleges are often an array of disconnected courses that are not organized as cohesive programs of study.  Students are provided with insufficient clarity on how to navigate a path to their... Read more >

Small Districts Fund

Applications are not being accepted for the Small Districts Fund. Small school districts and rural communities face unique challenges to improving the college readiness of their low-income high school students.  Applicants were invited to propose plans and projects that are the best fit for their high schools, school districts, and... Read more >

Ready to Rise Initiative

Oftentimes, low-income students get to college without a support network of friends or family members knowledgeable about college life.  That leaves them with nowhere to turn when they struggle with the transition to college and navigating through the college system. Ready to Rise, led by Degrees of Change, will receive... Read more >

Equity in Higher Level Math

Because research shows that students who enroll in higher-level math their senior year do much better in college than other students, schools that receive College Spark funding to implement  Intensified Algebra (IA) will be eligible to receive additional grants to increase equity in higher level math. These additional grant funds... Read more >

Grants for AYD and Intensified Algebra

Grant funding fully covers the cost of School-Year Academic Youth Development and/or Intensified Algebra plus $10,000 for related program costs such as technology, program coordination, data collection, and travel costs associated with training. The Agile Mind curriculum in these classes bring Common Core State Standards aligned middle and high school... Read more >

Senior Year Transition Course

Bridge to College Mathematics and Bridge to College English are senior year transition courses for students who scored below “college-ready” on the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Students who pass the course with a B grade or better will be considered college-ready by the majority of colleges in Washington and permitted to... Read more >