Alternative Discipline Policies
Ashley, Jessica & Burke, Kimberly. Implementing Restorative Justice. A Guide for Schools. State of Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.
This guide was created as a resource for Illinois schools to implement the principles of Restorative Justice, a practice that originated in the criminal justice field. The guide provides background on school discipline and a framework for how the principles of Restorative Justice can be applied within schools. They provide specific examples of restorative practices, such as Chicago Public Schools use of peer juries.
Leigh Brown, Patricia. (2013). Opening Up, Students Transform a Vicious Cycle. The New York Times.
This newspaper article from the New York Times interviews students, teachers and family members of students participating in a restorative justice program in an area of California where students are often exposed to violence and trauma. The program takes a proactive approach by connecting students with caring adults who hold them accountable for their behavior and their academic progress instead of using exclusionary discipline practices when students act out.
Skiba, Russel & Spraque, Jeffrey. (2008). Safety Without Suspensions. Educational Leadership.
This journal article discusses the history of school discipline and the move from “zero tolerance” discipline policies that use suspensions and expulsions as a form of addressing undesirable student behavior to the proactive approach found in Positive Behavior Support. This strategy includes a school-wide focus on prevention, multi-tiered support, and data-based decision making. The article provides a case study of Kennedy Middle School in Oregon as an example of how the policy can be implemented.